So this Monday, i didn’t have any cancer related doctor’s appointments. But midweek i am going to have an Endoscope. This is the first test to try and find out what is causing all the nausea issues. The appointment is very early in the morning on Wednesday. i don’t know if i will get any answers on Wednesday, or on Monday when i go to see my oncologist again. i will certainly let everyone know when i find out.
Sometimes it seems like doctors, test results, appointments, exams…it all becomes a blur. Time going by way to fast, and making my head swim. Other times it seems like i do a lot of waiting. And waiting, at least for me, usually gives my very creative mind a lot of rabbit trails to follow.
Thankfully i am back at work! i don’t know what i would do without it. (Thank you Lord!!!)
i am also meeting with my Radiation Oncologist on Monday. The last time around, the radiation didn’t make sick, it just made me more tired (as if that is possible!). i’m good with starting on that. Hopefully by the time i am done with radiation, we will know what is causing my stomach issues, and have fixed them.
The journey continues…more information as it develops!