New prayer requests for AC Chemo Doses

  1. The SE for this series of chemo are scary. Three of the SE affect specific areas of my body – The heart, digestion (nausea, diarrhea, bladder), and my immune system (white blood count). Please pray for mercy from the Lord.
  2. In general, pray for me and other cancer patients – i am filled with anxiety that in less than a week we are putting a second dose of AC in my system. And most cancer patient blogs say that the third dose is the worst. The SE build with each dose. Not surprisingly, they say the fourth dose is the best, but that is because you know you are not going to get anymore. And, supposedly, you can never get another dose in your lifetime. i will have reached the maximum of that chemo that my body can handle. (i think my body would disagree – it feels like it has hit the maximum already.)
  3. i don’t know how people who don’t have God to hold onto does this. i have spent more time with Him in the past month than probably in the past couple of years. Granted, a lot of that was “please God, make it stop!” but still, i knew my heavenly Father was there with me. Holding me. Getting me through it. Pray for those who are going through this battle and don’t know Christ.

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i'm a woman in my mid 50's, diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2017. God brought me through that for His Glory. And then i was diagnosed again with Breast Cancer in mid 2018.

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