November 12

Good news! It took four weeks, but my numbers were back up today! i thought they might be, there were a few people said i looked good and healthy this week! One person even said i looked better than i have in the 20+ years that i have known them (which was kind of hard to believe, because i was so much thinner when we first met!! ) My medical team has told me to eat whatever i could, and as much as i wanted. That it would help my body when i had chemo. i was a little concerned that i would gain too much weight, but took them at their word, and ate whatever my body thought looked good. And i lost 4 pounds! God is GOOD!

It is really good the numbers are in the normal range, since my insurance has denied meds that would help me with the low Neutrophils (aka: Neutropenia, which also includes low white blood cells.). So the frequency and amounts of infusions will be constantly adjusted going forward. As my body has a history of responding in unique ways, i know that my team will be on top of the treatment and my reactions. And that it will still be enough to completely get rid of the tumor, without the WBC dropping too low. There is not a way to tell if my ANC is too low, except for blood tests, so i will make sure my temperature stays below 100.4, and continue to eat as much as i can.

The fact that i had an extra week without chemo was also a blessing at work. We had the Global Missions Health Conference at the 920 campus this past Thursday-Saturday, and i was able to work the full schedule! It was a great conference, and i was glad to be there!

At this time, my next appointment will be the Monday after Thanksgiving. We will know around Thursday-Friday this week how much, if any, SE i will still have. i am loving the timing of that too, since that means during Thanksgiving i should have my appetite back. A wonderful thing to look forward to, because my brother and niece Sara are great cooks, (even when they cook mine without onions!). YUM!!

This year i am thankful for family, friends, co-workers, and the support network God has brought into my life. i am thankful for my medical team, many that i also count as friends, and the passion they have for helping those with cancer, to live a life without cancer. And for those who only know my name, and still regularly lift me and my family up in prayer. Thank you Jesus!! i (we) are truly blessed!!

November 5…

My sister in law is a great prayer warrior. She has prayed me, her brother, his wife, and a few others through some really bad issues over the last year and a half! i told her i was concerned about this coming week, with possible SE and all. She told me not to worry, that she prayed, and that i wouldn’t have any side effects, and i would feel great this week. And once again, God answered her prayer. My chemo was pushed back yet another week!

With my ANC being very low, they were planning on giving me a med with chemo, to help my body replace what was needed. But i found out my insurance denied it. Thankfully my numbers had increased over last week, but not enough to get chemo without the med. Sooo, one more week to continue to get stronger and eat!

As for how this affects my outcome, i am not sure. To my knowledge, we are still on an every other week schedule, starting next week. But as you can see, it is all based on how my body handles it. There was also talk of another med that might be an option. My scheduled appt with my oncologist is right before my treatment next week, so i hope to have more answers then.

Oct 29/The good news is…

The good news is i have another full week to rest up!

When they ran my labs this morning, almost all my numbers were good. Except one – my ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) dropped more, so i couldn’t do chemo today. It has been pushed back, a week and the overall schedule has changed. ANC has to do with white blood cells, so i am supposed to be careful when going out, keep the hand sanitizer, and wearing a mask in areas where there are large crowds. So if i use sanitizer after shaking your hand, don’t take it personally!

This week i got fluids and meds. i will get chemo next week, along with a possible additional meds. The schedule is changed to this: instead of getting chemo 2 weeks in a row, and one week off, it will now be every other week. Between doses, if needed, i will be given fluids and meds. i don’t know how this will affect the overall timing of the treatment, but that part is all flexible.

Right now i’m feeling really good, and glad to have another week to continue building back up. Everything else looked good, and there is a chance that the tumor is already responding to the chemo. All Praise to God!

Understanding the Shorthand

As with any community – there are phrases and and shorthand. Here’s a list of some of the most common phrases and what i mean when i use them. I’ll probably be updating this post regularly!

SE = Side Effects
WBC = White Blood Count
ANC = Absolute Neutrophil Count
PCP = Primary Care Physician
BRAT Diet = Bananas, Rice, Apples (or Applesauce) and Toast
this is a diet that is easier on the stomach when you are nauseous, etc.
Turn around time = The time between an infusions.
Port = When chemo starts, there is usually a port surgically implanted. This port has a long tube that is run through a vein in your chest area. The port has an “opening” that is covered by a thin layer of skin. That keeps the opening in a sterile format. The port is accessed by a special needle. There is a lidocaine cream that i put on the skin to reduce any pain of being accessed.

Just when you think it’s safe…


i had been through a few checkups since the end of my treatments, and all seemed to be going well! i went in for my regular followup about two weeks ago, and it was also time for my 2nd mammogram, so…well… you know where this is going.

Same type of cancer, in another area. It is considered a new primary cancer. It did not come from the previous cancer site, lymph glands appear to be clear. They did scans to make sure i did not have anything anywhere else. Those scans showed no evidence of cancer elsewhere. i’m just lucky i guess!

Since i had a reaction to the Taxol, and i have taken all the AC i am physically able to tolerate, we will be using a new chemo mix.

My doctor’s appointment/first chemo visit is scheduled for October 2. i hope to have more information after that appointment.

i need to tell you, that my sister-in-law is quite the prayer warrior, and she is praying for a miracle. and i’m great with that! She has prayed several people through some serious stuff lately, and i am just thankful that she is praying for me! There is also the possibility that God has me going through this again for a reason, and in that case, the prayer is that the side effects (especially the nausea) will not be as severe as last time.

The prayer requests are the same.
1 – That God will be glorified through this! And that i don’t screw it up.
2 – For Dad and my two furbabies. This journey is pretty hard on them too. In some ways more than for me. Dad is now 91. He is not the spring chicken of 89 that he was last time, so please pray for his health, and for continued peace.
3 – No throwing up. And i have now learned to ask for MERCY with the nausea!

This series of the blog will be a little different then the last. Instead of having a few long and edited posts, i’m thinking about doing several short posts, with the info i have available. There will be a couple of more thought out stories and updates, but for the most part, just a couple of paragraphs, and moving ahead.

So thankful to have you along for the ride with us and praying for us. We are truly blessed!!

And the Roller Coaster Ride Continues…shorter version (rated G!)

Well, one of the chemo drugs is nicknamed “The Red Devil”. Read anyone else’s  cancer blog that has done the AC mix, and the first thing they say is “it lives up to it’s name.”. That it does. The chemo itself is red, and i was (erroneously) under the impression when all the red color was through my system, it was all good. Not.

I experienced quite a few of the known SE over the past week. Every now and then i would feel really good and i know those were times when people were praying for me! Thank you!!! I ended up spending about 4 hours in the doctors office getting fluids and meds on monday, and now we are hoping that my body will start producing white blood cells. i am scheduled to have a blood test to see if the numbers are increasing or not.

Right now they say i am close to being on schedule. But personally it really feels like i’m running behind! i was told to be careful around people since my count is so low. That works, my body is still so weak from the last week i am taking it easy for a couple of days at home. (quick update – after the last 7 days i am 10 pounds closer to those jeans in my basement! woohoo!)

Just a note – Do not trust the internet, or the commercials on tv to accurately portray what chemo and other meds do. Talk to your oncology nurses!! They know the real truth! They live with this every day with their patients – and they will tell you if you ask.

And true to God’s faithfulness, i still have not thrown up. Of course the past few days my body really wanted to, but no. God is faithful. – so now can we add “no nausea” to the no throwing up prayer?

i guess this would be listed as a new prayer request: for me, and for other cancer patients – i am filled with anxiety that in less than a week we are putting a second dose of this in my system. And most cancer patient blogs say that the third dose is the worst. The SE build with each dose. Not surprisingly, they say the fourth dose is the best, but that is because you know you are not going to get anymore. And, supposedly, you can never get another dose in your lifetime. i will have reached the maximum of that chemo that my body can handle.

i don’t know how people who don’t have God to hold onto does this. i have spent more time with him in the past month than probably in the past couple of years. Granted, a lot of that was “please God, make it stop!” but still, i knew my heavenly Father was there with me. Holding me. Getting me through it. Pray for those who are going through this battle and don’t know Christ.

Turning Onto a New Path-short version

Went to doctors, issue i had with my hands was not a side effect, but a reaction to the taxol (chemo). (chemo burn)
Medicated ointments are helping with pain and healing.
i have Neuropathy in both hands and both feet. (hard to wear shoes). Hoping meds, and being off Taxol will clear that up!
Not doing last 4 doses of Taxol, moving right on to the chemo cocktail A/C.
Tumor has shrunk down to about 1 x 1.5 cm!!! (Praise God!!!)
Surgery will be after that. If no cancer found then, no further chemo!
Feeling the prayers! Thank you!

Good News #2, and Update

This week was my three week catch up with my oncologist and i got some great news! The tumor has been reduced even more. It is now approximately 50% of what it was when we started chemo! Praise you Father! Praise you Jesus!! Thank you Great Physician! To God be all the glory.

i was also able to chat with the team about two new side effects. The neuropathy and a new weakness in my legs.

For the neuropathy:
Good news – it is a known side effect.
Bad news – it will get worse before it gets better.
Good news – it is supposed go away when the chemo is done.
Bad news – it will take a while, maybe even months, and there is the chance that i’ll still have residual effects for a long time.
But the final good news. If the nerve pain gets to be more than i can handle, there are options. Both with medicine and modification in treatment. I just need to power through the coming 5 1/2 weeks.

And for the weakness, i just need to slow down and change the way i move around for a few more months. It too has a better than average chance of going away when i’m done.

Best time to contact

Several of you have expressed concern on how to contact me, when is best, etc. i think now that i am in week 6 of chemo, there is a very distinct pattern that has evolved. Rest assured, if you try to reach me and it is a not a good time, i will not answer or return texts right away. Please do not take that personally. As soon as i am able, i will return messages and texts.

So far, the general pattern is:
Monday – the day i get chemo. Depending on how the treatment went, i am either up all day, or sleeping all day.
Tuesday-Wednesday – These are usually my best days. i have energy, and feel pretty good- as close to normal as possible.
Thursday – usually my worst day. If i am having any side effects, it really seems to kick in then.
Friday – Depending on the side effect, and how well the additional meds help, i can feel good, or unstable.
Saturday and Sunday – Usually tired and weak, but otherwise stable. I am trying to work as much as possible, but afternoon is a much better time than morning.


Invasive Ductal Adenocarcinoma
A tumor approximately 2-3 centimeters.
Fast growing
Triple Negative
Gene test  – negative for gene mutation
Responds well to chemo treatment
Stage 2
Cells have broken through the wall and are out in the body
Chemo is first
-to reduce the size of the tumor,
-and hopefully eradicate any other cells out in the body.
Starting with 12 weeks of Taxol, once a week.
Followed up with Adriamycin & Cytoxan, every other week for 4 doses.
i will lose my hair.
Working with the Norton Cancer Center (A great group of people!!!!!!)