Best time to contact

Several of you have expressed concern on how to contact me, when is best, etc. i think now that i am in week 6 of chemo, there is a very distinct pattern that has evolved. Rest assured, if you try to reach me and it is a not a good time, i will not answer or return texts right away. Please do not take that personally. As soon as i am able, i will return messages and texts.

So far, the general pattern is:
Monday – the day i get chemo. Depending on how the treatment went, i am either up all day, or sleeping all day.
Tuesday-Wednesday – These are usually my best days. i have energy, and feel pretty good- as close to normal as possible.
Thursday – usually my worst day. If i am having any side effects, it really seems to kick in then.
Friday – Depending on the side effect, and how well the additional meds help, i can feel good, or unstable.
Saturday and Sunday – Usually tired and weak, but otherwise stable. I am trying to work as much as possible, but afternoon is a much better time than morning.

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i'm a woman in my mid 50's, diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2017. God brought me through that for His Glory. And then i was diagnosed again with Breast Cancer in mid 2018.

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