i’m going to deviate a little today. i hope you understand. Today i’m going to talk about DAD. For those of you who know dad, he needs no introduction For those of you who don’t know him, he is a 91 Italian man from New Jersey. That explains so many things, right?
On Friday afternoon, dad and i were going to run some errands, when he fell. He thought he hurt his left hip and shoulder. At the ER they said both of those were ok. He did need 4 stitches in his thumb, but otherwise he was ok. We were about 10 minutes from checking out, when his total demeanor changed. He asked a couple of strange questions, and i told the doctor that was not like him. They decided to do a scan, and found that he was bleeding into his brain.
His surgery was immediate, and completed a bit after midnight. They felt the actual surgery was successful, they were able to drain a fair amount of blood off his brain. However when he was in recovery, they started to notice a few things, including trouble breathing, and he did not wake up.
Today, around 3am we are still in an icu room. Reports over the past 2 days went from good news to not good news, decisions on care, emotional roller coaster, and prayers for him to wake up.
Please pray for him. i know God has a plan for this, and that He will be glorified either way. Dad is not afraid of dying. He has said many times that whenever the Lord wants to take him, he is ok. He has had a great life.
i, on the other hand, am not so excited about him leaving. The next 24-48 are critical. Please pray for my family as we navigate the next couple of days. i want God to be glorified in this, and i am also praying He would be glorified by dad’s miraculous healing. 😉