February 18

Here’s what i found out this week:

i met with the oncologist this morning, and basically i will be getting some more chemo. Six rounds. (we knew that was coming). The first one will be this coming Monday, February 24. And there is some good news, the chemo they are giving me will be be administered once every three weeks. That will give my system some time to build back up between doses. When the chemo is done, then i will get radiation. Then hopefully done, closer to summer!?. (Since i won’t be doing radiation for a few months, i cancelled the appointment i had with radiology today.)

Regarding the notes from the endoscope, the doctor didn’t see any indicators of stomach cancer or ulcers. There was some inflammation – to be expected – but he also took tissue samples to biopsy. Evidently they have gotten some of the results back, as they want me to stop by their office this week and give them more blood. This is to rule out, or confirm their findings so far. So i don’t have anything concrete yet.

More as more develops!

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i'm a woman in my mid 50's, diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2017. God brought me through that for His Glory. And then i was diagnosed again with Breast Cancer in mid 2018.

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