A short post full of good news!
-Thanksgiving – was Amazing! The food tasted really good, spent some time with some family members i hadn’t seen for a while, and got to bring home leftovers!!
-At today’s appointment my numbers were good, so i was able to get chemo! (never thought i’d say yay for that, but “yay!”)
-Since my insurance company won’t pay for the meds to help build WBC, my doctor is continuing to adjust my chemo dosage as needed so that my body has more of a fighting chance. That is helping my blood test levels stay closer to normal, and keeping the SE manageable. (“yay #2”)
-When the lump was originally found, it was measured at approximately 2 centimeters. Today it is estimated to be around 1 1/2 centimeters. So the size is going down! (Praise the Lord! Yay!!!)
God is good!