Choosing Joy

This post i actually wrote a few weeks back. It was the night before i was to receive my diagnosis from my biopsy. i didn’t write it then to put it on the blog, not even sure why i wrote it. You can tell, since it is kind of disjointed – writing the portions as i thought them. In the past couple of weeks i really felt it was something to share here. So i am sharing it just as it was originally written. And if you know me, you can certainly see me doing this, and understand why i am not doing a video blog. (smile).

Choosing Joy:

The night before i was due to find out about my second diagnosis, i was in my office (with the door shut!) and had one of the Christian radio stations on. The song “I Choose Joy” by For King and Country came on the radio. That is a song that just makes you move around. You can’t sit still!

i found out that my chair has a “bounce” to it. It was cool!! If anyone would have come by my office, they would have heard “i choose joy, let it move you, let it move you” and to the beat i was bouncing and spinning in my chair, singing it out to Jesus.

And it was not lost on me that the pre-chorus goes:

“Oh hear my prayer tonight,
i’m singing to the sky,
give me strength to raise my voice, let me testify.
Oh hear my prayer tonight
cause this is do or die
the time has come to make a choice,
and i choose joy”

‘nuff said.

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i'm a woman in my mid 50's, diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2017. God brought me through that for His Glory. And then i was diagnosed again with Breast Cancer in mid 2018.

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