Today (October 8) was the first infusion of Gemzar/Carbo chemo meds, and so far all is good! i was given a couple of meds to help with nausea, and they are supposed to stay in my system for one-two days. Also, according to reviews from patients who have already taken this chemo, several of the SE (side effects) have been easier than others. And there are a ton of people praying that the God will be merciful with the SE. i am going with option 3. Thank You Lord Jesus for Your mercy. Thank You for the knowledge You have given to those in the medical field. Thank You for the friends and family You have placed around us. Thank You for being so undeniably evident in all these areas. To God be the Glory!
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i'm a woman in my mid 50's, diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2017. God brought me through that for His Glory. And then i was diagnosed again with Breast Cancer in mid 2018. View all posts by suesilvano