Thank you!!!!

This has been a journey. i am starting to realize why most people have said to me “I’m so sorry you have to go through this.” God’s peace that He gave to dad and i brought with it a bit of hope that God would be merciful with the side effects.

To be truthful, He has.

There have been a few times in the past couple of months that i have hurt more than i thought i could stand. But i know that it could have been much worse. God truly is the one that carries you through this. (FYI – This is SO much easier to say when i am able to sit up on the couch, focus on a computer screen, and try to convey what has been going on to you. If you had been here Sunday morning around 2:00 am, i probably was not saying that. 😉

God did give me an insight to the fact that the first couple of months would be rough, but doable. But that there would be a time when i would not be able to do things, or be more than a blob on the couch and we would be relying on the kindness of family and friends. As hard as it is to say, i am there. i know i will still have good days, and i do have good hours, but it is scary and humbling to be in this place.
And then this happens:
i have been out of pocket for about the last 4-5 days. I opened up the computer today to catch up on the blog, and went to the meal train site. wow. i read out loud to dad the people that have signed up. We thought about those that have already been here, and helped in many ways (including last minute doctors appointments) He was blown away, and i just cried. Overwhelmed.

I see texts, notes, cards, emails, the people who are feeding dad, helping him, and i am overwhelmed. Sometimes dad and i just look at each other and say “We are so blessed!! (yes, we do!)

Please don’t think we are not getting your encouragement and prayer notes. I have every note, card, and text that has been sent. It is what we are holding onto and relying on.

The reaction i had with the last round of chemo, neuropathy hit me hard. I am getting feeling back in my hands and feet, but i cannot write, at least not anything you will be able to read! And my typing wpm has gone WAY down! They say it will come back, but please do not think me rude if it takes me a while to respond.

I’m also dealing with chemo brain!! It’s real! Any of you that have taken me to chemo can probably attest to that, right? 🙂 The weakness is frustrating.  Dad is doing a lot of talking on the phone for me. i do find that typing these posts are great therapy for my fingers, and my brain.

All this to say, THANK YOU! We love you. And may God richly bless you!!

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i'm a woman in my mid 50's, diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2017. God brought me through that for His Glory. And then i was diagnosed again with Breast Cancer in mid 2018.

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