Round 2!

So this past Monday (June 26) i started my second round. Known as AC. It is a mix of two types of chemo. It has different side effects (SE) than the taxol did. (good news/bad news!). So far I am still able to do work from home. But have several meds to combat SE if/as they become bothersome. Still praying & trusting in God for no throwing up! That is top SE for both chemos. There are 4 doses total, but they are every other week, so this will last about 7-8 weeks.

The tumor was measured Monday as well, and seems to be around 1 x 1 cm now. (Praise God!!) The meds have also helped my hands and feet. Still having some issues so I can’t wear normal shoes yet, but getting better each day! (and continuing to wear my “summer uggs!”)

According to the paperwork on this mix, any full on SE will start tomorrow (Thursday). Taking each day at a time, and trusting in the One Who has already gone before me on this journey! Thank you all for your continued prayers!

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i'm a woman in my mid 50's, diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2017. God brought me through that for His Glory. And then i was diagnosed again with Breast Cancer in mid 2018.

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