Turning Onto a New Path-long version

i never thought i would be celebrating getting A/C chemo treatments, but YAY! After more meeting and doctors appointments there are now answers and a plan.

First, and most importantly, the tumor has continued to shrink, and is now at about 1 x 1.5 cm. PRAISE GOD!!

Regarding my hands, what happened to me is a reaction to the Taxol not a side effect. It is rare, but not uncommon. i have creams and antibiotics which are helping a lot with the pain i have left. The peeling will continue for a while, but that is not painful.
i have also acquired some neuropathy in my fingers, and half of my feet, which includes the toes. Between the weakness and the numbness in my feet, i walk a lot like Frankenstein, and shoes are not a good thing for me right now. (Good thing it’s summertime!)  i am taking meds to help reduce that, so praying it will go away.

Because of the neuropathy, and the reaction, they have decided to forego the remaining 4 Taxol doses, and we will start the A/C on Monday. That will be 1 dose, every other week, for 8 weeks (4 doses). After then we will move onto surgery for whatever is left.

It is my understanding, that there will be some new side effects, and it will not be an easy 8 weeks, but the reaction i had is Taxol related only. So this shouldn’t happen again.

Thank you all for praying! i have to tell you, i have felt your prayers! Sometimes quite physically! There were many times in the past couple of weeks, when i was in so much pain, and then for a while the pain subsided, and a few minutes later i would get a text from someone saying “wanted to let you know I just said a prayer for you!” How amazing is our God!!

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i'm a woman in my mid 50's, diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2017. God brought me through that for His Glory. And then i was diagnosed again with Breast Cancer in mid 2018.

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