
Does this ever happen to you? You buy a new car. A red suv. Suddenly, that’s all you see. red SUV’s. It’s the same thing with all aspects of life. Everything on tv, radio, around me, is about cancer. How to treat it, who has it, the new food you could eat that cures cancer after watching a video on facebook that may really not have an ending. And believe it or not, this truly happened. i heard a news headline i had never heard before. “Palestinian cancer patient attempted to smuggle explosive materials…” It is really a news story. On April 20.

Unfortunately everything was not so far removed. There have been people in my extended family that have passed away from cancer. My dad’s brother. My brother’s father-in-law. My cousin. My mom’s mom.

But this week i keep thinking about three people that are fighting cancer more recently. My niece’s husband’s nephew, Lane. He just passed away a week ago at age 19 of cancer. He had his whole life ahead of him.
Shelli. i worked with her at SCC years ago. She was only 39. She passed away two weeks after i received my diagnosis.
Debbie. i work with her at SCC as well. She has been fighting for a few years with cancer. She is currently in the fight of her life right now. She has a husband and kids going through this with her.

As much as i am very grateful to God of His provision in my treatment, i find it hard to celebrate the wins when there are others i know who did/are not getting the same. i know that these others who have finished their journey, are home with Jesus. In His arms. And those who are still finishing their journey can see Jesus at the finish line – calling their name. Ready to catch them when they cross that line, swing them around, and celebrate that they are home. That is the best outcome for any of us.
i ask for prayers for the families. The ones that are still here. The parents of the child they buried. The husband who is watching his wife fight this disease.

i know some of you know the people i mentioned. And you probably know many others who are in the same situation. Please keep them, and their families in your prayers.

To God be the Glory!!

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i'm a woman in my mid 50's, diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2017. God brought me through that for His Glory. And then i was diagnosed again with Breast Cancer in mid 2018.

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